Positivity, relaxation, kind words, peaceful belief are all lovely ideas. Aren’t they?
But I’ve learned after being MIA for a while that all these practices of self-compassion, kindness to yourself, listening to your body, believing that you are right where you were meant to be and that there is no future golden time awaiting you, being satisfied and happy with your current self, and acknowledgment of what you have already achieved are not just fancy fun ideas.
They are productive beautiful ideals of life. A wholehearted life. And the bonus is that they pay.
How you ask?
I have rested, believed, been kind to myself and enjoyed the work that I am doing, listened to my body, rested all of Monday if need be, not forced myself to do things for the past few weeks, not judged myself for asking for help, not tried to be strong and I’ve noticed a few really amazing changes in my outcomes.
I learn things faster when I am relaxed and not worried about the outcome.
When I am in learning mode I dare a lot more than I would when I am in performance mode.
I attract projects and people without having to try too hard.
I am really having a good time at everything I do.
Because running a business, living a life, and being a person should not be this hard.
Frankly, we make life very hard by overanalyzing things, over-emphasizing the importance of certain things, by lacking in our faith in what’s to come, and comparing our lives with others.
So while we train to become better at business, better at work-life balance, better at connecting with the things and activities that make sense to us, we also have to train ourselves to have better mindset practices.
The mindset training is not optional it is required. If we keep racking up the things we think we need and the accolades we need in order to be satisfied and happy with ourselves without thinking of our most precious asset, us.
Then we will come up short.
So use anything and everything that resonates, prayer, meditation, yoga, reading, walking, working out to really happy music, random acts of kindness, random tea time with people you love, doing nothing and staring at the sun, art and craft, watching really amazing movies, watching heart wrenching movies and crying, ice cream, drives, retail therapy, writing, classes, actual therapy, coaching whatever it takes to make your company really wonderful for yourself and make this life the best it can be.
Because as they say, “ Your pain is not your fault but your healing is your responsibility”
Sending you love and light