
If there is one take away from my journey into coaching and becoming a helping professional, it is this, you have to practice what you preach. It is much harder to do the things you say are useful and the things that you should do in order to achieve so and so results than it is to say them.

For me the hardest one is being good to myself, going easy and being a nurturing presence for myself, and actually cutting myself some slack. Certain habitual things are very hard to break if you learned at an early age that being tough on yourself is the only way to achieve meaningful results then you have some work to do to become a bit more nurturing towards yourself.

So here are a few things that I’ve put into practice when I feel like beating myself up or being just weird about not achieving everything!

I indulge myself with a lovely reward after I do something that is hard for me to do. A little bit like a parent 🙂 A lot of self-development is parenting or reparenting yourself.

I think of all the things that I’ve already done so far that have gone well in the week.

I also clean up my space and that somehow is like a cleansing of my old bad habits.

Spending time outdoors always puts me in an empathetic mindset so if I feel tired and cornered and depleted and not able to help myself I turn to nature. A simple walk can have a huge recentering effect on me.

So the thing you guys can do today is to think of what works for you and maybe write the specific things that have proven to be helpful to you in the past. That way when you are down you have a list of choices to pick from in terms of self-care.

Sending you love and light

